Changes to the website I feel like need to made for the safety of minors

Wow… You really just called him out there, haha. I like people like you, who tell people like it is, if you catch my drift. I can’t really figure out how to word what I was going to say XD

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I do not think that is the wisest of ideas. Minors should not be allowed on the site at all. And to cater to them is just pandering to the problem.

If you want to play with minors (gross) you have a variety of places, no need to make new ones. Discord for example.

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Minors aren’t allowed. The discussion was how to best ensure that is followed.


I understand what you are trying to say. But the title says differently.

The discussion might have ended up discussing how best to prevent minors, and as a comment to that, well… It’s difficult and we can only follow best practices when it comes to that.

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I’ve recently noticed this to be an issue running some NSFW chats on other services.

Due to PRIVACY CONCERNS and hackers - even a MODIFIED ID that is NOT run through a SECURE VERIFICATION SYSTEM (which only ONE exists and it’s several thousands of dollars a month to have an account there) - will stop NEARLY EVERYONE from wanting to join.

Will it stop minors, no. At the same time it will stop EVERYONE ELSE - especially if they are concerned about privacy issues.

Under the current FEDERAL LAWS (The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act) – this is the STUPIDEST idea I’ve ever heard. It’s also ILLEGAL for anyone to maintain a database of this type for every user on a website. (The only stipulation to this law is 18 USC 2257 - which only requires that PERFORMERS and companies representing those preformers of Adult Content websites … you know… the people you are WATCHING IN PORN VIDEOS … be able to have proof of age available to LAW ENFORCEMENT if required/requested.)

Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse act, anyone who “willingly” access “a computer system” (of which a website is) that is NOT intended for them, is in VIOLATION of FEDERAL Law. Website’s simply warning of such content are not LEGALLY liable for you being stupid when you were 14. That was on YOU and YOUR PARENTS for not monitoring YOUR activities on the internet.

Requiring a DOB entry or even having an account (or both) that requires users agree they are of legal age is an ADDED level of security ABOVE the requirements under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Because by entering a False DOB and creating that account then also creates the “Penalty of Perjury” which then becomes violation of 2 Federal Laws. (Of course, the internet is international and there’s other countries with their laws, which makes it impossible to keep up with. So website owners only must abide by the laws of the country they reside in.)

Just like it’s been said before, it will not stop minors because PRIVATE COMPANIES have no way of VERIFYING that the ID is legit, legal, valid, and is of the actual person in question. This is especially true of internet websites. Also, ANY modification (including blurring) to your state issued ID makes that ID no longer valid and legal.

Couple that with how EASY it would be for a minor (who really wants to see that porn) to create a FAKE ID that would be accepted by a private company because they have ZERO way of KNOWING it’s fake. (98% of those who go “sure here’s my full, unedited ID” are actually UNDERAGE and showing a FAKE ID.)


The “getting dads ID” thing has ALREADY been proven with the newest law in MT – and the law isn’t even FULLY in effect yet.

(Underage users re-gained access to PornHub using their parent’s ID in MT because there isn’t any “real” verification system that is foolproof. They even got onto XTube - which does use the only “real verification system” where some person gets on cam with you and you show your ID. How did the kid get around it, they just asked their DAD to get on cam for them and he did it.)

Another kid is getting around it by using his dads login where his dad already verified for the MT law. Like knows his dads username and password.

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You mean, like Discord and Telegram – which have ZERO ID requirements and users can easily join adult chats/servers.

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I agree in general - we cannot have age verification in that sense until there is a better global system for it.

While it might make no difference, as we still need to follow laws in the countries where we operate, I can just mention that the server(s) are located in Sweden. So we are mostly tied to European laws.


You should know that unbluring images is trivial. A few years ago this was accomplished by bruteforcing letters one at a time and seeing if they match the image when blurred. Today, we have neural nets.


This topic seems to be escalating.

I agree that blurring the ID/license is simply counterproductive, and that having new users/new accounts show ID at all is an invasion of privacy.

Wolfery is my haven for all the things I can’t show IRL, such as pansexuality, polyamory, feral and ageplay topics, my weird-ass art, and being a furry as a general thing. All this verification stuff would make it hard for others to share that haven.

E621, bless them, has the ‘Yes, I am 18’ and ‘No, take me back’ buttons when you first enter the page. This would be fine for Wolfery and a fair warning to underage wanna-be’s, but I agree one could lie very easily. Even with lying, it might make underage players think twice about making an account.

It’s sad that we can’t easily solve this, and it’s unfortunate to see that so many teens can’t wait to turn their country’s legal age to enter Wolfery, and that their parents don’t pay attention enough to check their devices’ search/browsing history and such. I say the email verification is enough for now, as most major email services such as Gmail/Google require a phone number or other identifying things.
Making Wolfery a paid site would scare off so many players, including me, that we wouldn’t have a server anymore. Most of us don’t have the extra to pay for something such as this, although if it came to paid services, if I could at the time then I would happily pay.

I honestly don’t know why Accipiter should change the current verification process.
I have always put my faith in people’s hearts so they might avoid breaking rules so blatantly. Others, including our current overage users and our undiscovered minors, should learn trust and hope as well. I know I sound like an idiot, but for goodness’ sake.

Also apologies for writing an essay for my first topic reply :sweat_smile:

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