Building a Nimbat Village [SOLVED]

Being a nimbat, I figured I should put in a place nimbats are from. Or can go to.

I know several people who roleplay nimbats in other venues, so it may help attract some users, too.

I’ve built a main room and a couple offshoots and a personal room for me, as a layout guide and demo. I’ve also requested an exit from the forest’s edge.

Edited onto the map in green:

I like the idea! :smiley:

I will make sure it gets connected.
I will also add some extra room(s) inside the forest which the village will be connected to. Just so that the forest area can expand for other types of foresty areas and activites.

Thanks for the contribution!

Best regards,

We now have a Nimbat Village in the forest! Venture there and look for it.
But be careful if you have cookies in your pockets!

On the other hand, cookies may be a valuable trade good, if nimbats have something you want!

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