So, I’ve been on Wolfery for coming up to a Month now, and Urthmyst, my character in question was made with Blacksmithing as a base. And turns out people are really up for the idea of an actual Foundry in the world. Lots of folks would like to help out with the simple work there, supplying materials and reagents, even someone willing to help magically augment equipment.
I’d propose the idea of a two-sided foundry. A more modern style area with up to date equipment and machinery to build metalwork with, and a second side with old-school equipment for people who want to practice old fashioned metal bashing as a hobby… or just to show off.
I hope this sounds good to folks!
Hey Badger!
This sounds interesting, and I think it would fit well into the world! If you’re feeling up for building it, I think we could work with you to find a place for it in the world.
A few things to consider in building it:
- What else would fit with it? Are there other types of crafting-oriented roleplaying you’d want to support? Are there other characters/character archetypes who you want to collaborate with or encourage to come around?
- Do you have ideas about where you might like it to fit in the world? Thoughts about place and setting can help drive the writing.
Feel free to work on ideas here if you’re looking for collaborators or feedback - also feel free to build some rooms on Wolfery and let folks from the building team know when there’s something we can take a look at and help with!
@Badger Is this build still being pursued by you, or were you seeking a user or builder to produce this location?