[Bug]Users displaying as disconnected (Resolved)

Some weird bug is happening to me after wolfery went down today. Still persisting so… I tried to document it here.

Forum only lets me post two links and one image so… here’s an imgur bucket.


Please halp.

Edit: So, it works fine in firefox apparently. Still get the same error so maybe unrelated. Anything chrome wise I can do?

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Huh? You are not allowed to post more?
Oh well, it is probably some Discourse Forum feature to prevent new accounts to spam too much.


A greyed out character in the Awake list does not mean they are disconnected - it means they didn’t match the filter you’ve typed in.

Your screenshot doesn’t show the “Search filter” field, so I can’t tell if that is empty or not. If empty, it would be a bug. If not empty, it means the three showing as ‘active’ matched that search.

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Resolved. I forget to look at that search bar. Weird that it persists between sessions.

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