When I do unfocus @all
it says Shinyuu is already unfocused.
but the actual focus stays.
This is an issue of poor documentation and error message rather than anything else. Sorry . But I will try to explain (and later make some improvments):
focus @all
This focus is a special case which will notify you on anything happening in the room, but will not mark anyone specifically as focused. A better name would probably be focus @room
. Or maybe it shouldn’t be called focus
at all as it gives the idea that it does the same as focus <character>
unfocus @all
will only counter the effect of focus @all
, but will not remove focus from any character.
focus <Character>
This one focuses on a specific character, giving you notifications if they speak, and optionally color code them in the chat log.
The focus Accipiter = none
means you will focus, but the character will not get color coded.
unfocus <Character>
will counter a single focus <Character>
command. There is no way to remove focus from all characters focused specifically.
And yes… I see that this could be improved
Aha, that’s what a I was actually looking for. Bummer!
I do think @focus room or @focus here would be better names for this than @focus all, I agree.
Maybe make them both work , but change the help to mention the former and leave ‘all’ as just a alias for a while.