[BUG] UI stops responding after a while

One of the latest patches has introduced a bug where parts of the UI become unresponsive, and other parts sluggish. All clickable UI elements (Characters in realm and room pane, exits, etc) stop actually doing anything, although they will highlight. Edit buttons also stop working for rooms and exits. On the realm panel, you can edit notes, but clicking the users don’t expand the box to show active time. You can also edit your own character and switch profiles.

Attempting to look at a character throws this error:

main.54554643.js:26264 [Toaster] Error: c {rid: “core.char.bvh05fot874ehfs7rtfg.ctrl”, method: “call.core.char.bvh05fot874ehfs7rtfg.ctrl.look”, params: {…}, _code: “core.charNotInRoom”, _message: “Character not found in this room.”, …}method: "call.core.char.bvh05fot874ehfs7rtfg.ctrl.look"params: charId: "c13a1ugt874ae6uhoif0"proto: Objectrid: “core.char.bvh05fot874ehfs7rtfg.ctrl”_code: “core.charNotInRoom”_data: undefined_message: "Character not found in this room."code: (…)data: (…)message: (…)proto: Object
value @ main.54554643.js:26264
(anonymous) @ main.54554643.js:22587
Promise.catch (async)
value @ main.54554643.js:22586
click @ main.54554643.js:22517
(anonymous) @ Elem.js:715

Edit: Actually, the error above may not be relevant, as apparently the click I did on one of the exits did transfer my character out of the room, but did not update the UI.

Yes, it seems the buttons does do something.

The problem is that the GUI doesn’t update. So, the error that you pasted is, as you assumed, because you had moved to a different room where that character actually didn’t exist. So you get an error for trying to look at someone not in the same room.

The reason for this sort of freeze is really hard to tell. It is because something has gone wrong where either the GUI components (that is why they no longer update themselves on change) or the API module (the graphical components no longer gets events from the API on updates) to end up in an inconsistent state.

Hopefully there was some error prior to this, that might have given the answer.

But hopefully others can help post similar error reports, and we can hunt down that bug!


Given that disabling the scrollback save to localstorage fixed it, I suspect it is tied to this somehow.

Oh! That narrows it down. Either it is the settings module itself that causes it, or the storing of looked at character info - both using localStorage as well.

If that is correct, I should be able to solve it with a storage quota.

Thanks for the info!
