[Bug] strong font weight overly subtle

I can see this really being more of a feature request.

The above is a screen shot of me testing boldface. One of the words above is bold, and for me, at least, the difference is subtle enough that, if I didn’t know one of the words was bold because I’d made it that way, I might completely miss it. The style sheet, according to the inspector, does define strong as a weight of 700, but that appears to only provide a slight thickening. I suspect the issue involves font loading, after rummaging around a bit (I’ve pasted a reference link below that tipped me off to what the problem might be).

I found a font link:
<link href=“https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Amatic+SC:wght@700&family=Open+Sans&display=swap” rel=“stylesheet”>

I tried going into the inspector and editing the string to read

And that seemed to make it a bit more obvious.

The reference link I alluded to:

Nice suggestion, Lek!

I will make sure to use the heavier weighted version.

And while I am at it, I can move the font to be hosted on Wolfery instead of on Google, to stop Google from collecting your IP’s. After all, some German company got fined the other day for having a link to a google font :sweat:

Wow. o.O I envy the E.U. its strong privacy protections, but that seems. . . rather hardcore. Then again, it’s hard to underestimate the shenanigans Google will get up to even with a simple IP address, I guess.

If you think about it; by having something as simple as a google-hosted font in the client, Google will then know that you are a user of this game, even if you don’t use Google login.

If I can avoid that by simply hosting the font myself? Yes please :grin: