[Bug] Links not opening as of latest release

Maybe it’s my imagination that it’s this release, but I could’ve sworn this was working just before the release just now.

I appear not to be able to open links by clicking them anymore, in either Firefox or Edge. There’s no console message when I click in either browser, but Edge’s console is displaying a couple errors on page load (I don’t know if these were present before, or not, unfortunately).


[Report Only] Refused to create a worker from ‘https://wolfery.com/CharPing.worker.8d770eda.worker.js’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “worker-src ‘none’”.
[Report Only] Refused to create a worker from ‘https://wolfery.com/CharPing.worker.8d770eda.worker.js’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “worker-src ‘none’”.
CharPing.worker.js:2: POST about:blank net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
wolfery.com/:1: POST about:blank net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

I just whispered myself an unadorned link to https://www.google.com/ and it’s not working. Pointing the Inspector at it, it looks like pretty normal HTML. If I wanted to break this sort of thing on purpose, I can’t for the life of me imagine how to do it. Not without javascript shenanigans, at least.

Yup. Same for me! Those darn black boxes!

Oups! :sweat_smile:

Yes, it is caused my some Javascript shenanigans, capturing the event and preventing the default behavior before it happens.

It is fixed now in a patch release!