[Bug] Deleting exits from the GUI corrupts the list [Solved]

So more wonky stuff with deleting exits. When I try to delete an exit, it delete it, but a phantom sticks around, which effectively steals the slot of the exit that was beneath it that should now be in its spot, making it so you can’t use either exit. As only the phantom one is shown, both on the GUI list, and in the list of exits.

Even weirder, is that leaving and returning to the room, this happens:


and I can’t use list exits either, it just forces me to create a newline in the console instead of sending the command, which only happens in said room, not in any others.


So now it seems to fix itself when you leave and come back. But it still doesn’t work as intended the first time.

I’ll look into it! :slight_smile:

I experienced similar behavior when testing the “Hide Exit” feature on one of three exits in a room. The exit popped down to the Hidden Exits. I left the interface and did something else for a moment, then unhid the exit. The exit in question “overwrote” another exit in the list, both showing the same name and description, however “going” to the missing exit still worked. Like Xetem, leaving and returning does show the correct list again.

As you’ve already noticed, the bug does not delete or overwrite anything - it simply makes the clients version of the list inconsistent with what the list on the server actually looks like.

But I will try to add this bugfix into next release!

Turned out to be a rookie bug of me editing the referenced array (or slice, as it is called in Go) of exits directly, instead of making a copy of it. Oh well. Fixed in next release.

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