[Bug] Console not clearing after pressing enter [Solved]

I ran into a bug where the console wasn’t cleared after I pressed enter.

In Chrome DevTools’ console (you can open it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + i, and click the Console tab), I had an error that looked something like this:


But I fail to replicate it.

I can “quick fix” it, but I’d rather want to solve the actual reason why it occurred.
If you bump into the same, open the DevTools console and check if there are any errors prior to the one in my screenshot.



I succeeded to replicate it:

  1. Wake up a character
  2. Sleep the character and go back to the greeting screen
  3. Wake up a character again
  4. Write and send a command

And the bug is found & solves (in dev) :slight_smile:

I had that this morning and now it’s solved after a refresh. Yay!

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