I’m trying to set one of my areas’ owner to another of my characters, which is on a different account therefore counted as a ‘player’.
I type out the command:
set area October’s Mansion : owner = October Nightmare
And I get this error message:
Not allowed to give ownership to another player’s character.
I’m happy to set a room to the area and use the interface through that, but can you fix this please?
To give an area (or room) to a character on another account, you cannot give it directly, as it would be a mess if people could just randomly hand you areas and rooms.
But you can send the other account a request to transfer ownership:
request area October’s Mansion : owner = October Nightmare
This will show up as a request for the other player/account:
Just click it open and select Accept, and the transfer is made.
See all the request commands:
Help command |
Usage |
help request exit |
Request to create an exit to someone else’s room |
help request room owner |
Request to give room ownership to someone else’s character |
help request room area |
Request to set the room area to an area owned by someone else’s character |
help request area owner |
Request to give area ownership to someone else’s character |
help request area parent |
Request to set the parent area to an area owned by someone else’s character |
… and now that I think about it.
That error message should instead tell you how to make the request, shouldn’t it?
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OOOOOH OK- a requesty command would make more sense, thank you!!
and error messages telling you how it’s done would be nice, lol