Bocca della veritá (review and linking request)

:whale2::whale2::whale2:(Whale whale whale)
After a lot of time i am finally back to this category of Realm & Areas i this time i am really really really really Excited because today i will ask for another review to this island that That I have been building throughout the month of March and February! Which he spends reforming it once and adding a lot of things throughout all this time.

I look forward to receiving much more news from this and mostly positive for once in public I will do my best to do lots of variated events!

Here is the ID again, #cfoiohe9gbrsdhhqd3mg
For now is all from my part, have a nice day Whoever reads this. ^^


It looks gorgeous ^w^

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Ooo~ Not gonna lie, I’d love to see more island builds popping up.

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Can you reach out to me in wolfery when you see me around, please? There’s a bunch of little thingies that I’d want to discuss about the place.

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Of course i can shinyuu! I will be in there soon i guess.

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