Bard for Hire

Someone pinned a fancy note to the board. As you start to read it, strangely, a melody humms somewhere in the background.

You seek the adventure, you seek the desire?
Consider this bard, she’s available for hire.
She’ll lure you’n’your party with frivolous songs
All while she’ll be dressed in just her best thongs. (*)
Don’t wait and reach out, as she might move on;
For now, though, she’s ready to sing you hard-on.
The coin or barter: varied payment schemes –
She’ll take all you have as her payment for dreams.
The dreams she’ll induce with her gorgeous voice.
Don’t wait, call her now, let your ears rejoice!

The footnote clarifies that she will sing wthout thongs for double the fee. Another footnote specifices the offer is available for private parties up to fourteen people. And another footnote specifies the bard does not, in fact, provide therapy.

Signed, Shinyuu Wolfy.