Area idea for muscle lovers: The Bull's Gym

Hi! I’m Rask, relatively-recent comer to Sinder, owner of the Bull’s Gym in Layleaux, and consummate meathead. I’d like to float the idea of opening a branch of my gym in Sinder.

I know the fitness center in the Cinnabar Prism Apartments already exists, but I’d like to make the case for a full-fledged gym, a dedicated area for roleplay with muscle/strength/workout themes and a hangout for those who find them (and interactions with those that do) interesting. The primary public gathering location would be the weight room, but it can also provide thematically-appropriate scene locations including, but not limited to a locker room, a sauna, a hot tub, a martial arts studio, a climbing wall, and private training rooms.

The Bull’s Gym in Layleaux is a large and ostentatious building, styled to look like a Greek temple, full of marble and represented by statues of minotaurs holding globes on their backs, Atlas style. I think that for the branch in Sinder, the idea would be to cultivate the image of an existing, more general-purpose building that had been converted for use as a gym. Keep the same Greek-temple motifs so there’s a connection, but tone them down a bit.

I’ve written a lot of text for the gym in Layleaux and I expect I can fairly easily adapt it, depending on the scale of the target building.

What do folks think?

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I have nothing about gyms in general – they do sound fun. At the same time, I’m not sure a greek-temple-themed gym is a good fit for Sinder specifically. Maybe some other area would fit it better?

PS: Layleaux is a place in Tapestries, which is a furry-themed MUCK, apparently. I had no idea.

Oh, I agree. I think the Greek-temple touches should only be in the interior - to the outside, it should look like a normal building. I’m putting myself in the mindset of someone who’s trying to create a connection to the original place, but working within the confines of an existing building that they’ve leased.

That’s fair. I think it can fit pretty good into the City of Woodford theme and still be a stone throw away from Sinder.

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I have room in my country if you want that. Tax free, beautiful landscape.

Tax Free, in this economy?

I’m in. Don’t know what I’m building, but without taxes… could be anything.

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Thinking about this again, how about Sinder Crossing as a location? Says right in the description that the vacant buildings are suitable for gyms, among other things. As I start to put this together in my head, I’m picturing a building that used to be a small supermarket, from a time before supermarkets evolved to be the gigantic buildings we now associate with them - large and with high-ish ceilings, but not so gigantic that it would seem better suited to a suburban shopping center. How does that sound for a fit?

We had a chat with the team and we think Woodford is still the most lore-friendly place for a gym. Sinder Crossing isn’t really a good fit because it’s already overcrowded with exits while being a large transit room.

Are there any specific reasons why you don’t like Woodford? It’s a stone throw from the park, and it’d be good to make the crowds disperse out further.

I’d like to see Woodford city worked into Woodford Ave… part of Sinder. It makes absolutely no sense to me for a city to be located two streets away from a town?


No problem with Woodford, I just thought there might be space in Sinder Crossing because the description refers to vacant buildings - it might be a good idea to remove that text if the area’s considered full.

I have to agree with Waku, though, the spacing of things does seem a little odd to me.

In any case, I’m working on the gym area descriptions in my Copious Free Time and will hopefully have something built and ready to look at soon.

@Raeth thoughts? On one hand we could incorporate Woodford into the town. On the other hand, we could tear off WSL into Woodford (where the WSL current ihabitants make more sense lore wise). Foxhole is more populated than the Station Park (if we exclude the away people, but oftentimes with idlers, too), and that might bring extra traffic to the town.