(I mean Zoning in a vague ‘city planning’ sense)
I ran this past Acci because I’m always a little shy with ideas. Turned out while I was writing it he posted in the Park ideas thread which echo my own (the genericization of ‘teleport’ and the desire for a bit of walking traffic in particular). Putting it in General for wider comment than Staff.
Mucks follow a pattern. They build, they proliferate, they slow, they lose a lot of area leadership - the owners of areas leave - and they become little islands of activity amongst a sea of deadwood.
Some of this is natural - the hangouts become the hangouts, really. But how can it be improved?
First concept: If one wants to have a walked-through trafficked city, keep the teleport number low. I know there’s been talk about a bunch more to reduce walking spam. But the better option may be to keep teleports to the zone level and make enter/leave messages optionally quiet on rooms that need it due to traffic. We have pretty good diversity now in hangout spots, I’d like to keep it.
Second Concept: Embrace the ‘fractured’, flotsam nature of Sinder. Abandoned and/or unpopulated areas can go away. Eliminate the ‘expanding donut’ effect of expanding building with an unpopulated core by eliminating some areas if they’re not used and re-administrating some areas that have gone without a leader. The ‘unstable rift’ signs nailed up by Sinder Public Services before disconnecting an area would be funny too.
I myself have been part of this. I now run the Nude Beach on Furrymuck, which fell to me some years ago because of an absent landlord (an old furry artist who came up with the world it was set in who’s now a personal friend). The leadership of FM didn’t know what to do so they put it up to a vote, and I barely won. The whole process was icky and toxic. Instead, if an active area has an absent owner (for some extended period of time) and it remains a spot, a moderator should be assigned to it. If the absence continues, and the area is popular, it should be assigned to a ‘local’ with a good ticket record after a request for nominations.
tl;dr: Keep Wolfery walkable (within reason) and prune unused builds from the grid to prevent the petrification effect of classical mucks.