Arcane Theater - Review and Linking Request

Hey Folks! I’ve built up a small area for a theater called The Arcane. A number of folks were surprised that we didn’t have a theater yet. So, I built one.

The general idea is for it to host various different plays and acts, and act as a small place for people to go and catch a show. Folks that like to perform, or have an act, are welcome to perform there any time the like. Personally, I may perform magic acts and things of that nature.

Here’s the blurb from its area info:
The Arcane has a general Victorian vibe. Most of the lighting is done with gas lanterns and sconces, providing a yellow warm glow throughout most of the theater. Electric lights supplement where needed and when they won’t interfere with the ambiance. Various types of dark stone and wood are the construction materials used, and wherever there are curtains or plush materials it is always done in a cobalt blue. With close inspection in a lot of cases, silver or yellow stitching can be seen, illustrating various arcane and magical symbols.

Essentially, I’m just looking for a general review, and someone to link it into the greater world. The starting room is #cfts2mu9gbrsdhhvrh2g and as you explore around, the Workshop is the back end (no need to take the hidden exit there). All rooms are parented to the area for it, but I think the area itself should probably have its own parent area set to Sinder’s for uniformity.

I intended to link it from the North West Side Road (#c0t72f0t874fvvemlpa0) in Sinder (next to the library essentially). And the exit in the starting room is already set up to return (it links to the same room as I obviously can’t link back to public areas). If needs be, the exit can be renamed and a new one created (since I can’t find a relink/edit for the destination).

Thanks for the help!


I added a new room for the theater grounds. I figured it’d be worthwhile to have a space to revamp the theater’s outdoor style if needed. I’ve also made the theater entrance teleport ok for now (will remove that later). Here’s a summary for buildery type folks that might do linking:

Desired Source Room: North West Side Road (#c0t72f0t874fvvemlpa0).
Exit Name: The Arcane Theater
Keywords: theater, arcane
Leave: departs the road toward The Arcane Theater.
Arrive: enters the theater grounds from North West Side Road.
Travel: leaves the road and enters The Arcane Theater grounds.
Destination: Theater Grounds (#cg319se9gbrsdhi4t2n0)

Exit from the grounds (exit already exists, but is linked back to the grounds - either relink, or make a new exit from the grounds back to the road with the same properties - or just make the exit and I’ll edit it)

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Looks great! \o/ Thank you for your timely response to feedback and patience during review. You’re linked up on the North Westside Road in Sinder.