I don’t remember when but I was in a room with a few people on an alt and I remember that while I was there someone came up to me and asked in public chat is your alt (Ico Twilight)? Of course I denyed as I don’t really want people knowing my alts.
I was wondering if there was anything that prohibits this as it can be concerning for people who have lots of alts when someone has correctly guessed your main account.
Revealing others alts against their will is a violation of the rules and we recently had A Talk about asking people about alts / trying to quiz alts out of them. If someone is trying to press you for information (especially alts), politely but firmly set a boundary out of character and send a report to the moderators.
This is certainly a boundary thing you need to establish case by case. And one of the MANY unwritten rules I tend to find. Outing someone’s alts publicly should be against the rules maybe?
I will, with next release, add a new rule that states that you may not try to obtain or reveal information about another player or their alts, without their consent.
While this might be true - and many of them being sort of baked into “be nice” - if there are unwritten rules that we need to clarify, please tell!
I have wanted to keep the rule list short an concise, not making a wall of text where each corner case is mentioned and clarified. But it is a walk of balance, I know.
Getting this explicitly written down is going to be important, yes. Some people, myself included to some degree, are more casual about their alts, and it’s likely not going to be intuitive to everyone that asking about it in public is an intrusion.