Android TalkBack unable to recognize mobile interface

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature really. Due to some medical issues, I’ve been researching approaches for people with sight issues; while this isn’t critical for me yet, now seems to be the time to look into solutions.
One approach I’ve been looking at is TalkBack on Android, this is the interface built into the system for sight-impaired users. I found that it has issues with the mobile site for Wolfery. Many of these issues seem like they might be a problem with layers on the mobile interface. It has difficulty navigating, reaching all buttons (like the teleport icon), seeing incoming text, and navigating to the input panel.
Again, while this is not critical for me at the moment, it would be a nice feature; perhaps a simplified interface for the accessibility features could work best, with increased typed interface functionality. I know I spent some time trying to figure out how to get a list of destinations to make the teleport command work from the text interface.
I’m certainly no expert in this area, however, I’d be happy to help and to test in any way I can. I’m sure there will be other people who will find this helpful in the future.


Hi, and welcome to the forum, @S_Fox!

I am no expert with accessibility either, I am afraid.
But since you can do most everything through text commands already (once you’ve woken a character up, that is), and with the world being mainly text based, I don’t think it shouldn’t be too big of an effort to make it more accessible.

I know there are certain HTML attributes (aria-*) you can use to provide additional info for buttons and text. And you can probably make other hints to the browsers to help them out.

I am currently working on open sourcing the client. Maybe this is something that those more skilled at accessibility frontends can help out with?

To see all transport related commands, type: help transport
To list teleports, type: list teleports