Ancient town ruins, across the bridge

I am very much still in the process of adding more rooms to it… However, I have decided on a theme for a sister-town to Sinder, if it would be quite alright. One which would tie into the history of the broken bridge, and allow the bridge to finally be repaired (with freshly treated lumber supports, and heavy durable stone, possibly with a note that A large skeletal figure can be seen at night, tending to the bridge to maintain and repair it as needed.). This town will be home to many a secret to be uncovered by the adventurous, or curious sorts.

Although I call it a town, it will begin its existence as explorable ruins of an old town, perhaps followed by becoming a tourist location, with the many structures and artefacts being preserved. There are hidden spatial doorways dotting the town, used for gaining access to a different dimension. One would have to notice the subtle queues of the area in order to find them, and learn from scattered debris what the names of these interdimensional doors are.

The entry from Sinder Bridge would be an area (it’s actually a room) known as Open Fields (room ID #ca7u5269gbrpjnfe794g) and this area will then connect to Callendriver Plaza (room ID #ca7ulhu9gbrpjnfe7h6g), the southernmost region, and centerpiece of Callendriver Town: the ancient town nestled between the long river that bends after a considerable distance to the north, and returns to the ocean from the side of Callendriver opposite of Sinder. There is plenty of room here for additional areas, whether it be more wildlands, another town, dens, hollows, caves… You name it, and it just might be discovered here on this expansion of land. The plaza will be a teleport accessible location, preferably used as ‘teleport callendriver’, and this area (once I have completely finished fleshing the region out) will have 6 accessible locations to traverse including the Open Fields to the west.

Edit: I probably should clarify better… The area with 6 accessible locations to traverse that I am referring to, is the Callendriver Plaza. There will be more areas than just this, once I am finished, of course.

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I don’t know if there are plans for the bridge. This might work nicely as an attached area or another ‘city’ like Cape Theia though.

You’re welcome to have a look around what I’ve managed the time to develop so far. Although, for the sake of it’s existential lore… Connecting to it via train or boat would break the history behind “why it was abandoned” so to speak. At least until the lore becomes more fleshed out to include a new route south toward the coast, or below ground to enter a new expansion of the train network. I hope that this makes sense.

I have the same concern regarding the bridge. I’d heard a couple of ideas previously regarding plans for expanding east. I’m keen on growing world outside of Sinder however. It appears that the rail line at this time terminates in Sinder, so we probably don’t need to worry about the train.

All things considered, the bridge itself isn’t all that large either when one looks on the map currently.

I’m interested in seeing what you have plotted out for rooms and the overall theme if you want to show me sometime. This’ll give us a better idea what will or won’t be spoken for space-wise heading east.

Tours are always welcomed~ I’ve got some new changes to the region underway following your visit.

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Went and checked things out and chatted a bit. Discovered some bugs in the exit/player while hanging out which aren’t particular to this build and I’ve added further info to the existing bug for the topic.

The town ruins are looking good though and +1 for well defined exit travel messages. :>

I wanna tour it!

I have had some ideas of expanding to the east with a neighboring city with a more shady and run down feeling in comparison to Sinder - a place more suited for roleplay otherwise not permitted in Sinder.

The idea also included adding some railway bridge across the river to allow larger ‘towns’ to be connected by train.

Though, I must admit - I am no world builder. I think there are many out there who would do that ‘job’ a lot better then me! My initial thought was just to start somewhere, in an open setting, where the world can expand and start developing its own story and background.

And this ancient ruin surely seems to be a part of that! :smiley:

There’s a possibility to include this as the ‘across the bridge’ area. Though given its nature I brought it up as a touristy stop on the line heading to Sinder. …with a lot more magic. :smiley:

Having a twin city of Sinder across that bridge though would be the best option for the bridge, I agree.

It brings my heart plenty of joy to read through all of this~ I have two more locations within Callendriver Town itself that I’ve been making drafts of, aside from my personal home that exists to the northeast of the plaza, past the residential ruins. There’s also the Callendriver Archives building underway, a mountainside tower that’s about 3 stories tall, and will probably feature a hidden basement access.

I’m planning to use the Archives building as the answer key, and introduction to the features that I will be working on for Callendriver Town. As there will be many a secret to unfold, I feel that this is a necessary step in the process. As for the possibility of a train station, there’s an abandoned mineshaft in the mountains that path into the archives and town which I feel could have a deeper tunnel. Upon this deeper tunnel access being completed, if you would like a train to stop near Callendriver, this would be the place.

I specifically recommend that, considering that once keys and locks become an artefact within the realm, I plan to place a lock on the entryways directly into callendriver that players would have to go into the archives to find the key to (so a password text lock): this is to ensure that players are at least not blindly encountering the hopefully soon-to-be scripted bots/puppets that I plan to have in a few locations. Primarily my NPCs will be in the secret areas, used as introductions to a game setting that I will be explaining on the forums a lot more thoroughly when I’ve finished all drafts and interlocked the rooms where they belong.

There will always be textual indicators at the entrance into town that recommends players to check out the archives for more information on the town.

Primarily, my objective with this town has been to indeed create a setting that would not be as appropriate for Sinder. Another bit of that setting is that it will eventually offer an enjoyable bit of a text based adventure rpg, or so I look forward to. This way, either while waiting for someone to come online that they would like to play with, or if they’re just outright curious: there will be an option available to them to pleasantly pass the time.

Think something along the lines of TiTS, without copying Fenoxo, but until Acci’s planned additions pan out it will be purely text controlled.

As I have had @Accipiter transfer ownership of the three completed buffer regions, the area can be connected at his leisure. If you would like any assistance in flavor text for travel, you have only to ask, and I will provide.