An Apology to the people at Wolfery

So… last night as of 4:24 AM MST, I have chatted with an individual that I shall not name in terms of privacy. They have told me quite a number of things that made me realize the situation that I have put myself in and I feel like I should fully reach out to those that I have wronged. This message is to those that I have wronged and left a bad taste in your mouth.

I apologize greatly for my actions as of late. I have been pushy, just seeking for erp, and been a complete and total asshole to those that I messaged for the past… 2 maybe 3 years that I have been on here in Wolfery. I knew that, these actions of mine aren’t exactly the best and I have been trying to fix them before I have been personally told about these issues from the individual that I shall not name, but I will be putting 200% of the effort to make up for what I have done.

To those that I have mistreated by constantly trying to push for a rp, I am terribly sorry. I know that it is wrong and I was stupid for not trying to fix it, before I dug myself a deeper hole. I am sorry for being mainly focused on the erotic style of rps and I am sorry for making it not enjoyable to those that have done those type of rps with me. I know that I left a bad taste in your mouth and I wish to hopefully rebuild those bridges in due time. The option if you want to rebuild that bridge and reform that relationship with me is all up to you and I will not force you to decide and nor will I take any offense if you don’t wish to. I am… also sorry for trying to contact some of these same individuals with different characters of mine. I am flat out lying to you by doing that and that is something I will not wish to be a part of. While I was not given the exact amount on how many people I have done this to, I can assume that it is a lot. That is far too many people for me and I have fucked up in the past before.

I do apologize to the mod team, Accipiter and FurryMuck for causing such a mess and I am sorry for abusing the website to satisfy my selfish needs. I have more than likely broken TOS by doing this and if any mod team member or Accipiter himself wants to ban me, be my guest. Like I said, I do apologize to those that are involved and… if possible, I wish to possibly rebuild those bridges that I have burned by my actions.

To also become clear and to have everyone know, I will post my character’s names that I have used in the past. I might have forgotten one or two, but most have been deleted and I will list it as such on the list of characters.

-James Hendricks
-Gavin Fulgham(Original deleted, but now goes by Gavin the Tarnished)
-Gavin the Tarnished
-Fenrir Odinson(Original deleted, but now goes by Hassian The First)
-Hassian the First
-Christian Marksmen(Deleted)
-Jessie Dodge
-Maria Rhodes(Deleted)
-Phoenix Wylde(Formerly Phoenix Jameson)
-Lily Frostmoon(Deleted)
-Mathias ‘Ghost’ Freund
-Lyrica Jones

If you don’t wish to be affiliated with any of these characters, please let me know. I am sorry once again and I will work on myself to hopefully become better. Even by a little bit. Any advice that I receive will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

I personally don’t think this is necessary. You can own up to being pushy, but you don’t need to be disclosing yourself in a manner for public punishment. Everyone can be annoying and pushy. It’s the human condition. Seems you want to do better, which is a positive, and that’s all that matters.


There’s pushy, and then there’s repeatedly approaching the same person again and again and again after being explicitly told they don’t want to RP with you. One is the human condition, the other… something else.

I obviously have no information. I have been repeatedly approached by them and I don’t find them annoying. Clearly they feel some guilt. I am still not a fan of them feeling some need to public punish themselves, but if that helps show that they are sorry, great. We are all human. We make mistakes. We deserve a break once in a while.

“Something else” what? I am not sure what you are implying here. If the word is ‘insane’ then, yes I guess I would be insane for doing that. ‘Harassment’… maybe. Like I said before, I can’t see any of my previous messages before April 25th except for any mail that got sent. Meaning I can’t exactly judge for myself on what I have said before, otherwise I would make a comment on my own words.

Now… I know some people are gonna say, “you can’t remember what you have done?”, no. Not every tiny detail. I know most of what I have done, but I can’t exactly remember my messages word for word. I have been here for 2-3 years with thousands of hours on the site. I also have work, family, and everything else that can distract me. Every time I get on, I usually look through my previous messages so I can refresh my memory.

Kelmi, I am not trying to be rude here. I just want to know what you meant on the last sentence of your comment.

Are you okay? This really sounds like you’re not okay.

I’ve been at mucking for a long time, this is a safe space to express interest (often sexual) in roleplay. Sometimes you will get rejected, it is on the other party to express clear boundaries and for you to respect that. For many it is hard to express clear boundaries. You will be ignored, or called pushy. It’s okay, relax. Maybe try a different approach.

Alting is a sticky topic there are no hard and fast rules for. Many people value different things. I like to practice a bit of alt hygiene that is really just as vague as ‘treat others how I’d like to be treated’. Couple rules I follow, you don’t have to follow these:

  1. Don’t catfish.
    This may sound weird, we are all catfish putting up idealized or curated views of ourselves in the form of characters but. Don’t catfish? I kinda mean don’t tailor yourself to something I or other people would feel attractive. If you’re not feeling yourself, or your character. It’s quite easy to tell.

  2. Don’t metagame.
    You may be breaking this rule, it sounds like. Treat your interactions across different characters as new. Don’t start pulling in information your character wouldn’t know. Don’t start addressing interactions with other characters. Don’t break the IC vale unless you want an ooc conversation.

  3. You don’t have to tell your alts.
    I value my privacy and others just as much. If you feel someone has pushed you to reveal this list. It was entirely unnecessary. People can handle who they don’t want to talk to. Sometimes, people will like some characters of yours and not others, and that’s okay. It can certainly feel weird from personal experience when people don’t like characters of yours. That’s okay.

  4. Don’t date people twice.
    This may sound contrary to 3, but. Naturally I have come across situations where I know and interact often with the same player on different characters. This may just be personal, but. It can feel a little hurtful juggling around characters with someone you like. I tend to reveal if we’ve incidentally met or grown to know each other a while. Before it becomes awkward.


I consider each of my characters to be different and fundamentally separate. If someone approaches one of my characters and they already have a tendency to RP with another of my characters, I don’t breach the void.

As for point 1: That’s a fundamental problem with furries that won’t fix itself. That’s why every convention has 700 “some form of dog” fursuits and 150 other species.

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