Ageplay Age Restrictions

In my experience, area/zone rules tend to define the minimum age, if below 18 - otherwise it is viewed as ‘extreme’ content which is either not allowed at all, or only in private rooms.

This gives you a way to control your experience, without impacting others; if you don’t want to play that way, you don’t go there.

Generally the more activity that is allowed, the more specific the guidance becomes. For example:

Lamplight is, first and foremost, a safe place for exploring everything related to cubs. Flirtation and sexual activities are permitted between characters of any age, in all areas of this zone.

Extreme Kinks should not be performed in rooms not marked for them.

Please do not enter Lamplight or engage with users here if you do not agree to see this kind of content. All sub-areas contained within Lamplight must allowed underaged characters.

Similarly for its now-sub-area Patchwork, that feels more teen-ish:

Patchwork Square is an area intended for ageplayers to enjoy. Here you can go on dates, play, and explore! This area is also nudist-okay! Feel free to wear as little as you like when in Patchwork Square.

Who can sexually roleplay here?

  • Sexual roleplay between characters under 18 is allowed in all areas, unless the sub-area rules specifically disallow it.
  • Sexual roleplay between characters under 18 and characters over 18 (age gap play) is only allowed in sub-areas marked as allowing this.
  • Underage characters must reasonably understand and consent to any sexual activity. They must have at least moderate sexual development, at an age appropriate for their species.

[I see a conflict between these rules that may need resolving by builders, as they moved an area that restricts age into one which explicitly does not allow such restrictions.]

While Wolfery may be popular with USA users, it’s worth remembering that it is not a US-based service, and ‘over the pond’ there can be slightly different sensibilities. To take two examples, Germany’s federal age of consent in real life is 14, and in Sweden it is 15; in the latter there is special consideration of people with similar ages, positions of trust, etc. (You also get kids playing ‘doctor’ IRL by 10 according to US research.)

That doesn’t mean you’d find a place like Patchwork in real life. But that’s the point - this is meant to be a safe place to explore fantasies, some of which would not be suitable for RL. (Nor is rape, vore, etc.)

Wolfery is also is only provided for adult members IRL, and the area policies above relate to textual roleplaying. This is distinct from image content, which was recently restricted.