About glass doors

Can we have a player settings option that allows us to toggle the “glass doors” feature on and off? It has been super distracting and weird for me to try and navigate Sinder, with the exits being so big now, the character thumbnails being colorful and distracting. I’ve also had issues with misclicks a lot more TwT
It would be lovely for those of us who also like a neat and tidy look in the exits list too :3
It is a great idea though @Xetem, great thinking :3
also merry Christmas and happy holidays uwu


Would this work better?

@Accipiter that’d be

filter: grayscale(100%) sepia(30%) hue-rotate(333deg) saturate(150%) brightness(50%);

or the like.


Honestly greyscaling it would work quite fine. Still more than clear enough to figure out who is there, but not too distracting. +1 of my side for that solution

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It’ll also be useful for The Plum’s curtain.

I’m honestly not really a fan of the greyscale, I find it easier to identify people quickly by colour of their icons rather than actually having to look at the details. It took me a minute to figure out that I actually recognise people in that screenshot. It also doesn’t make much sense to me from an in-world perspective - if I could see a big dragon in the distance I wouldn’t need to come much closer to identify his scales as red.

I do understand the argument of it being distracting, mainly with the station park while most other places are too empty for it to matter.

Perhaps the colour could be restored upon mouseover of the exit? I’m not too sure how to be inclusive of mobile users with that, though.

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Also not a fan of the greyscale since a lot of information is in the color, but at least for me the icons by themselves are already a really difficult way of telling any information of who is in the room. I would personally much prefer to have something like peek station as a command that would then list the people for that exit in the log the same way as whois does for example.

At a glance the icons only really tell how many people are on the other side.

As a somewhat related aside, it would be nice if there were some better ways to tell if the people in a room are active or idle/away/in a private instance without going into it. It can be quite frustrating trying to seek out people outside of station park for IC interaction in the world, only to go through half the world and find out that all the numbers in the area listing are either bots, afk or in private rooms.

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Can we…? Can we just have a toggle in player settings? Wtf

Addendum (yes I am SCP floof) no. 1-

Since I was having a bad day when I posted this, allow me to explain a lil more QvQ
Grayscaling it would still be distracting and the exit size would likely still throw me off. Idk if anyone else has the exit-size problem, maybe we could have a “collapse” thing at the edge of an exit like we do for lists in the room/character tabs.
But a settings toggle would be nice for the space cadets of Wolfery x3