[Abandoned] Lake and Lake Houses west of Sinder

Working on the bare bones of a large region of a lake and additional lakehouses with an example house and lake docks on the east side, I have completed all exits but still need to add entry/exit messages to them, done some barebones descriptions of each area (though they can have some expansion).
It includes an addition to the current beach and a secondary small beach with some flavor text, I would be happy to take over managing the lake area when people want to add houses if you want to offload some of the work there.
Current requested connection/exit points are (West Sinder Beach -> ā€˜the beachā€™) and (East Lakeside Cabins -> West Sinder Lane)
I am somewhat new so Iā€™m kinda still learning the commands and requirements as well as syntax, any feedback on the region would be appreciated.

Hmmm. Thoughts, builders? We have a lot of lakes now.

I mean, I live in a place with a ton of lakes, so it doesnā€™t seem too bothersome to me, I guess!


Adirondacks gang, lakes for days!

This is my best attempt to roughly outline what I have planned, probably not perfectly in line with the style of the town, but I didnā€™t want to go too far off the map.
SinderAttempt.psd (3.3 MB)

Exported as png because not everyone has .psd tools handy. :slight_smile:


Honestly Iā€™d love it if there was a Lorem Ipsum district

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At first I was a bit worried it would clash with the current world map. But doing some rudimentary scaling and overlaying I think itā€™ll do great.

Iā€™d love to have a looks sometime if you want to drop an id to one of the rooms @Jaspurr

Starting in #cbaud769gbrucpt0r4ag (set as West Sinder Beach)
I havenā€™t set up most of the room transfer messages, and there are still a couple missing rooms as I started working on this before working on making a map.

Is the intention to have this area be part of Sinder and using the same rules?

If not: Weā€™ll end up needing to build an additional region for west of town to contain this as a sub-area.

The way the map is set up, Iā€™m definitely wanting to know which rooms are considered part of what.

Looks like: 2 additional beach zones west of town (public areas?), 4 road tiles (public routes for branching into other projects alongside these locations) and then a 10 room sub area around this lake which is connected in via 3 of those 4 road tiles at this time?

A fair number of these tiles around the perimeter will likely end up part of the public roads with how this is laid out, since weā€™ll want to ensure we can still develop around this project here and not paint ourselves into a corner ā€” unless of course we resituate the road situation to have a singular entry point into this subarea, then we can have the outside lake loop within the subarea fully since our concerns for routing around the lake are more easily managed.

General Building Guidance

Aside from theme if this is intended to be a publicly linked location/build for people to use rather than a private residence, the build team will be looking for:
ā€¢ An area containing all the rooms and appropriate about info/rules for the area
ā€¢ go back routing which leads you toward the entrance of the area.
ā€¢ Exit messages which are at least correctly descriptive of where people have come from and are going to.
ā€¢ At least a bit of description for the rooms contained in the build - if rooms are completely undescribed, it might be better to hide those exits from the public until youā€™re ready to describe those locations.
ā€¢ Room images or Area Maps are not required but can be helpful to people if this is intended to host public roleplay.

Most of what is complete should be public area, I donā€™t know how to make an actual area for it.
The idea is to have a series of houses within this space, with 2 points of connectivity for each (lake connection and road connection).
Iā€™ll need to figure out what to do about ā€œgo backā€ routing because it sorta has multiple ways in and out, but could probably operate with the assumption that either east or north is the ā€˜originā€™ point.
Descriptions and exit/entrance messages will take time, Iā€™m not the most creative writer and donā€™t have much time to myself to be actively working on those for longer than a couple hours at a time per week.
Sorry about being so slow to reply, Iā€™ve had a lot dumped on my plate IRL-wise lately.

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What youā€™re building more or less looks like a road and navigation housing area perhaps with 1 or 2 features for people to actually use as roleplay rooms.

If you are intending for people to be able to claim the cabins as personal housing then we should know ahead of time. If you are planning for these to be remote cabins that are otherwise public and meant to be described and used for a little bit of privacy when people want to hide out but not owned by anybody specific Then weā€™ll at least want to work on 1 or 2 templates for describing the cabins around the lake But otherwise probably donā€™t need to start with every single one of them having a unique description. We will however want to focus at least a little bit of time in the outdoor navigation areas if they are intended to be used for roleplay (And still a small paragraph or so even if theyā€™re not)

If you need any additional help just let me (Tasho) know And Iā€™d be happy to help you with any building questions.

@Jaspurr Hey there. Checking back in with you after all this time. Was this still something youā€™re pursuing or should I consider this abandoned and redirect to different ideas proposed? ^^

I would love to continue eventually, but I started a new job and have had very little time to get anything done lately.