A short introduction to using Wolfery

Saying something

You can use say or " to say something:


Performing an action

You can use pose or : to perform an action:


Addressing someone in particular

You can address someone in particular using @ or to:


Note that you need the equals sign after the name! You can also pose with this command:


Speaking out of character

You can speak out of character if you need to using ooc or >:


Again, you can also make this a pose by adding : after the equals sign.

If you want to address someone in particular out of character, you can combine these by putting > after the equals sign:


Interacting directly with one person

You can interact with just one person privately — even if you are in a public space — by whispering to them (if they are in the same room) using whisper or w:


If the person is not in the same room, you can message them with page, p, message or m:


In both cases, you can also pose by adding a : after the equals sign.

If the character is a sleep, you can use mail to leave a message for when they wake up.

Tips and tricks

  • Hitting Tab will autocomplete many things. For instance, you can start typing a character’s name and hit Tab and it will complete their name for you (if there are similar names, if you keep hitting Tab, it will cycle through until you find the one you want).
  • This also works on some other commands such as help. If you type help for and hit Tab, it will complete to help formatting. It will also complete destinations for teleport.
  • When typing a name, a command, or an argument to a command, if it is invalid, it will show up as orange. For instance, if I start typing @Mad but there is no one named Mad in the room, it will show orange. However, if I complete the name to @Maddy, it will show blue.
  • Wolfery uses a subset of Markdown for formatting. This means that you can make bold text with double asterisks (**bold**), italic text with underscores (_italic_), links using markdown links ([Wolfery](https://wolfery.com) = Wolfery), and so on. Type help formatting to learn more.
  • There are some additions to the formatting language, such as inline OOC text using double parentheses: bildo

If you need any additional helps, never be afraid to ask! We can always help directly or point you towards appropriate documentation.