1.57.0 removed essential feature

There is no longer the option to NOT ‘show all’ connected characters.

Watching that list move up and down as people connect and disconnect is intensely distracting and I cannot handle it.

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This function should not be considered ‘deprecated’ as it is utterly essential for motion-sensitive people.

Oooh! I simply thought noone used it.
But when you put it that way; I will try to bring it back in some way.

Thank you.

When it’s busy and people are connecting and disconnecting frequently it’s actually enough to make me queasy.

Well. Until I have given you an alternative, you can always hide the panel.
True that you might miss friends showing up. But at least you will not get nauseous.

This could be an opportunity to extend the search syntax with a watched condition. It’d also help those with potentially a massive watchlist find what they’re looking for.

As an alternative to hiding the panel in the interim, perhaps switch to your Watched list? Unless you watch a LOOOOOT of people, then it should have about the same motion as an unchecked ‘show all’ box.

I think some sort of toggle, maybe like the section dividers in Descriptions now, would be good for both the watched and unwatched sections of the userlist. I’m happy to work on such a feature if we can figure out what it should look like.

That would probably be a neat solution. It would work for both the Watched friends as well as Non-watched ones. But since we are missing headers , maybe some small “Show”/“Hide” would work?


Or possibly that we actually add some headers, similar to the Request tab. It takes up a bit more space, but becomes clearer:


And we should probably also want to store the setting, similar to how we stored “Show all” and now “Show looking for RP”

But if you’d like to do something like that, Kredden? I’d be happy!

Oh. Maybe I should have replied to your post, to ping you. Not sure how this forum works. There. Ping! :slight_smile:

Added a PR for this bug: Adds a toggle to hide unwatched for users. by TenjouUtena · Pull Request #260 · mucklet/mucklet-client · GitHub