Suggestion: Tone down the teleport text

Yeah, I’m keen on teleport text customization at least, but it is abuseable up to a point in the same way people type out custom suicide messages (while in Sinder) for sleeping sometimes. <_>

and… when somebody uses sleep is put into suspended sleep., as a moderator I would like for it to automatically suspend the character in question while changing their sleep message to “Soandso puts themself into suspended sleep. (By trying to make joke in bad taste)” just to teach them a lesson about making a disturbance that appears like moderation actions. <:)

On second thought, I’m of two minds. Mechanically, the function of exit/teleport entry to a room shouldn’t always be considered IC, so I feel like we need tools to address that side of the site in general.

But doing a t sinder=wanders in along Sinder Lane with a family of squirrels still clinging to his tail and his hair a complete mess. to functionally teleport into Sinder Center (where arguably there shouldn’t be a scene going on most days now.) is still functionality we should support I think (while working on other tools for RP status clarity as well.)

I do have concerns about use-cases though. I’m thinking we might want to have a somewhat small character limit on the teleport customization, like 120 char input just to discourage people going too crazy before they even know what is going on in a room.