Seeking Documentation for Platform Features

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! I’m reaching out to inquire if anyone has access to or knows where I can find comprehensive documentation for the features of I’ve been using the platform for a few days now and while I find it incredibly useful, I believe having detailed documentation would greatly enhance my understanding and proficiency with its features.

Specifically, I’m interested in learning more about API ussage, room making, bot scribting and text formats. Having clear documentation would not only benefit me but also others in the community who might be seeking the same information.

If anyone has any leads, links, or resources they could share, I would greatly appreciate it. Your assistance would be invaluable in helping me maximize the potential of this platform.

Thank you all in advance for your time and assistance!

Best regards,

help format has it all

help create room. There’s also teleport academy with a pretty elaborate tutorial.

I don’t think those exist yet?

why is bot access a perk when its not existing.

i am trying to find any information about it but failing miserably to find anything good.

Ah! I think that’s for this thingy: GitHub - anisus/mucklet-bot: A bot for the APIs.

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Hi, and welcome to the forum, @Nixer!

To add to Shinyuu’s help suggestions:

  • help building room - A short overview on how to build rooms and exits.
  • help building area - A short overview on area building.

But regarding the bot scripting part.
Yes, we do have bot scripts. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive documentation of the API - something that we really could need. For now, bot-script makers are either asking me or others on the forum, or doing some sort of reverse engineering on the client or bot-script code.

But I made some simple post on Bot scripting here: