Interface freezing

Sometimes my UI freezes. There’s no indication that anything is broken until I try to click on something or say something. It was uncommon, but it has happened several times today. I haven’t been able to narrow down any cause or circumstances under which it happens.

When the UI freezes, it stops responding to clicks. Clicking on someone in the room, for example, won’t open up their description. However, it appears that it’s still somewhat functional. I can type commands to move around and after I press F5 to refresh, I’ll be in a different room.

Do you have any kind of script blocker? You might try adding it as a trusted site on ad/script blockers.

The type of freeze you describe is probably caused by an unexpected error in the client, most likely during rendering of some GUI part.

To be able to fix it, I need to know what went wrong, and where. So, next time it happens, do this:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + i to open the Developer tools (Chrome/Firefox)

  2. In the Console tab, find the first error lines (red)

  3. Expand the error:

  4. Copy the error text, or screenshot it, and add it to your bug report in the forum.

For step nr 2, if you’ve typed a poorly formatted command, you might also get errors in the log. These can be ignored.


Had this happen as well. An update was applied at some point, causing a popup. I was not at the keyboard and did not clear it. When I came back and removed the popup, data was still sent on WS, but the main GUI was not updating. Refreshing did, but I had lost log for the time in question.

RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.details”:{“avatar”:"",“desc”:"",“gender”:“Male”,“id”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”,“idle”:2,“image”:null,“name”:“Teal”,“species”:“Squirrel”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“Squirrel”,“type”:“player”},“core.lookat.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.details”},“charId”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:54} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:55} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:56} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.details”:{“avatar”:“c1b06i0t874bfk1f01m0”,“desc”:“Deep glimmers of sapphire hues and azure coalesce together, creating a creature coated in the deep blue of an hour after sunset. Talon stands taller than most, easily breaking nine feet in height when considering slender, acutely perked ears and the palest of grey horns. A thick ruff of long feathers substitutes hair, the soft gleam of silver spilling down in feather bangs caressed in subtle shades of blue. Baby blue eyes sit amidst that greyish sea of feather fluff, the few points of light hues upon her body. Blues and greys continue lower, the crest of feathery hair moves down around strong yet feminine shoulders; much of the dragon’s neck is covered in that fine, downy fluff, as well as a good portion of her upper chest. The creature’s downy crest coats her shoulders and across the main framing of a set of wings; like a great, endless midnight when opened, with just a hint of greenish blue around the underside. A loose band of silk cloth is nestled around the neck, with a similar one just beneath the creature’s full, firm bosom. Stripes of finely woven silk criss-cross across the cobalt-hued bosom, exposing yet covering the expanse of flesh as best it can.\n\nThe waist dips inward just a little, the navel and belly bare which shows off her smooth hide, softer than on would expect. The body becomes darker the further from the front one goes, cobalt becoming almost indistinguishably black down the back. A single stripe of feathery scruff runs from crest to tailtip, slowly losing it’s colour and becoming paler as it traverses across the thick, spade-tipped tail. Around each forearm lies thick ruffs of feathery down, ending partway down the wrists. A similar garment to the top lies snug around that trim waist; stripes of woven-together silk acting like a skirt dangle a quarter of the way down long, digitigrade legs ending in clawed feet.”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og”},“name”:“Talonstrike”,“species”:“Dragon”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“Windrider”,“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og”:{“filename”:“c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og.jpg”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/jpeg”,“size”:511801},“core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.details”},“charId”:"c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:57} ResClient.js:779:10

Uncaught Error: Resource core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g not found in cache

resourceOff ResClient.js:401

off ResModel.js:82

value CharPanelChar.js:88

value CharPanelChar.js:102

value EventBus.js:246


RC > {“id”:58,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”}} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:58} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.details”:{“avatar”:"",“desc”:"",“gender”:“Male”,“id”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”,“idle”:2,“image”:null,“name”:“Teal”,“species”:“Squirrel”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“Squirrel”,“type”:“player”},“core.lookat.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g.details”},“charId”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:59,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c1apsu0t874bfk1evq8g”}} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:59} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:60,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19npd0t874bfk1euojg”}} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:60} ResClient.js:779:10

RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c19npd0t874bfk1euojg.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c19npd0t874bfk1euojg.details”:{“avatar”:“c19ns68t874bfk1euoog”,“desc”:"",“gender”:“Hermaphrodite”,“id”:“c19npd0t874bfk1euojg”,“idle”:3,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c19ns6gt874bfk1euop0”},“name”:“Mirimac”,“species”:“Cougar”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“VonReuen”,“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c19ns6gt874bfk1euop0”:{“filename”:“c19ns6gt874bfk1euop0.png”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/png”,“size”:1514257},“core.lookat.char.c19npd0t874bfk1euojg.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c19npd0t874bfk1euojg.details”},“charId”:"c19npd0t874bfk1euojg”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:61,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19npd0t874bfk1euojg”}} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:61} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:62,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:62} ResClient.js:779:10

Maximus’ debug info: 3078 206 3284 2400 true SimpleBar.js:97:10

RC > {“id”:63,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:63} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:64,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:64} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:65,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:65} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:66,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:66} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:67,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:67} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:68,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:68} ResClient.js:779:10

RC > {“id”:69,“method”:“subscribe.core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”} ResClient.js:449:11

RC < {“error”:{“code”:“system.accessDenied”,“message”:“Access denied”},“id”:69}

It just happened again. The access denied errors continue repeating forever in the console.

Unfortunately I forgot to expand the error before refreshing.

It just froze again on me. I sent a command which shows in the logs but never appeared in my output. There are no errors before the freeze.

After talking with Maximus, it sounds like my freezes might correspond to client pop-ups. However I have never seen a pop-up in Wolfery.

I can confirm that whatever happened froze clients other than mine, though it’s not obvious anything is wrong until you try to do something.

Thanks for the logs!

Earlier today, I did indeed send a broadcast about an incoming update.
I made the v1.3.1 update shortly after, which should result in yet another dialog window.

It might be that one causing it.

Though, going through your logs, I see nothing strange. Maybe except for one odd thing about the client seemingly trying to directly fetch info about the character you are looking at. It shouldn’t behave like that, and correctly gets Access denied.

Is it related to your issue? Not sure yet, but I will see if I can reproduce.

What computer OS/browser (and perhaps browser version) are you using?


It just happened again. I’ve gotten a better log this time.

It begins when you left the area. Line 212 is where you can see I recognized that there was an issue, which I realized because I clicked on someone and it didn’t open their description.

(This pastebin will expire in 1 week.)

I noticed right after posting the log that I actually had a “Connection Error” output in the main window. I’ve never seen that before.

Here’s another log. Pastebin rejected it though. I started the log with the last thing I saw in my output window from Ecylpse.

11:53:19.528 is when I notice something is wrong and I type ‘Test’.

11:53:36.257 is when Ayawni responds to me and I can see that in the log, but I don’t get anything in the output window.

11:44:59.699 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.out”,“data”:{“id”:“c1b45aot8748mom5p29g”,“type”:“ooc”,“time”:1616265899634,“char”:{“id”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”,“name”:“Eclypse”,“surname”:"–"},“msg”:“Yeah, it was just an odd hiccup that poofed me home and d/c’ed me. Nothign major. \u003c3 ))”}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:09.397 Maximus’ debug info: 8737 1038 9781 8709 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.612 Maximus’ debug info: 8743 1038 9809 8737 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.619 Maximus’ debug info: 8771 1038 9812 8743 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.633 Maximus’ debug info: 8774 1038 9816 8771 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.640 Maximus’ debug info: 8778 1038 9828 8774 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.647 Maximus’ debug info: 8790 1038 9833 8778 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.654 Maximus’ debug info: 8795 1038 9839 8790 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.661 Maximus’ debug info: 8801 1038 9844 8795 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.668 Maximus’ debug info: 8806 1038 9849 8801 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.675 Maximus’ debug info: 8811 1038 9854 8806 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.682 Maximus’ debug info: 8816 1038 9858 8811 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.689 Maximus’ debug info: 8820 1038 9862 8816 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.696 Maximus’ debug info: 8824 1038 9866 8820 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.703 Maximus’ debug info: 8828 1038 9870 8824 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.709 Maximus’ debug info: 8832 1038 9874 8828 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.717 Maximus’ debug info: 8836 1038 9877 8832 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.723 Maximus’ debug info: 8839 1038 9880 8836 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.730 Maximus’ debug info: 8842 1038 9883 8839 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.737 Maximus’ debug info: 8845 1038 9886 8842 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.744 Maximus’ debug info: 8848 1038 9888 8845 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.751 Maximus’ debug info: 8850 1038 9890 8848 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.758 Maximus’ debug info: 8852 1038 9892 8850 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.765 Maximus’ debug info: 8854 1038 9894 8852 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.772 Maximus’ debug info: 8856 1038 9895 8854 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.779 Maximus’ debug info: 8857 1038 9896 8856 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.786 Maximus’ debug info: 8858 1038 9897 8857 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.800 Maximus’ debug info: 8859 1038 9898 8858 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.807 Maximus’ debug info: 8860 1038 9899 8859 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:09.814 Maximus’ debug info: 8861 1038 9899 8860 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:45:46.228 RC > {“id”:19,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:45:46.249 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:19} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:46.250 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”:{“avatar”:“c19f6got874d7outfcpg”,“desc”:“She’s a youthful thing, so it’s hard to tell if she’s late teens or early 20’s. Her state of dress doesn’t do much to deter one from presuming she’s a young one. A quick glance from top to bottom reveals her as goth, emo, punk, use whichever descriptor you like. The first unusual thing about this mephit is that she doesn’t appear to have any white markings at all - she’s solid black from tips to toes!\n\n Let’s start with those tips, and work our way down, hm? Jet black headfur tapers out into a little color towards the tips; hints of navy blue and violet blending into one another. Her bangs hang down in her face, obscuring one eye, but she prefers to keep it long in the back, a loose ponytail draped over one shoulder, and ending in that same color scheme. Her eyes, when you can see them, are quite blue, and irises end in a small white ring; thus giving her her namesake. She’s dotted with a few silver piercings as well. A ring and a stud that looks like a kitty in one ear, two rings and a crescent moon in the other. An eyebrow ring that looks like a lightning bolt above one eye, while two small hoops adorn the other. When she talks, the soft glint of a small, stainless steel tongue stud can be seen. She’s also sporting a leather, studded collar.\n\n She has two shirts on; her undershirt is only visible because of the black and bubblegum pink horizontal-striped sleeves coming from underneath the shirt on top. The overshirt is black, with flowy cursive white script that reads\n’Gonna Break Your Little Heart’ with an airbrushed pink ‘broken’ heart for accent. Below the waist, she’s in capri-cut leggings that end just below her knees; they’re full of slashes and rips to show black legfur underneath. Stretchy and comfortable, black with a pink ‘paint splotch’ pattern. Her feet are bare, showing off the silver charm bracelet she wears around her ankle.\n\n She catches your eyes, wiggling her fingers in a little wave and flashing a little smile - apparently she’s not as dour or gloomy as her attire would suggest!”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”},“name”:“Eclypse”,“species”:“Goth Skunk”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:"–",“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”:{“filename”:“c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg.png”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/png”,“size”:1952198},“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”},“charId”:"c19f610t874d7outfco0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:47.034 RC > {“id”:20,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:45:47.055 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:null}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:47.057 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:20} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:47.690 RC > {“id”:21,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:45:47.710 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”:{“avatar”:“c19f6got874d7outfcpg”,“desc”:“She’s a youthful thing, so it’s hard to tell if she’s late teens or early 20’s. Her state of dress doesn’t do much to deter one from presuming she’s a young one. A quick glance from top to bottom reveals her as goth, emo, punk, use whichever descriptor you like. The first unusual thing about this mephit is that she doesn’t appear to have any white markings at all - she’s solid black from tips to toes!\n\n Let’s start with those tips, and work our way down, hm? Jet black headfur tapers out into a little color towards the tips; hints of navy blue and violet blending into one another. Her bangs hang down in her face, obscuring one eye, but she prefers to keep it long in the back, a loose ponytail draped over one shoulder, and ending in that same color scheme. Her eyes, when you can see them, are quite blue, and irises end in a small white ring; thus giving her her namesake. She’s dotted with a few silver piercings as well. A ring and a stud that looks like a kitty in one ear, two rings and a crescent moon in the other. An eyebrow ring that looks like a lightning bolt above one eye, while two small hoops adorn the other. When she talks, the soft glint of a small, stainless steel tongue stud can be seen. She’s also sporting a leather, studded collar.\n\n She has two shirts on; her undershirt is only visible because of the black and bubblegum pink horizontal-striped sleeves coming from underneath the shirt on top. The overshirt is black, with flowy cursive white script that reads\n’Gonna Break Your Little Heart’ with an airbrushed pink ‘broken’ heart for accent. Below the waist, she’s in capri-cut leggings that end just below her knees; they’re full of slashes and rips to show black legfur underneath. Stretchy and comfortable, black with a pink ‘paint splotch’ pattern. Her feet are bare, showing off the silver charm bracelet she wears around her ankle.\n\n She catches your eyes, wiggling her fingers in a little wave and flashing a little smile - apparently she’s not as dour or gloomy as her attire would suggest!”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”},“name”:“Eclypse”,“species”:“Goth Skunk”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:"–",“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”:{“filename”:“c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg.png”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/png”,“size”:1952198},“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”},“charId”:"c19f610t874d7outfco0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:45:47.714 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:21} ResClient.js:779:10
11:52:27.326 RC > {“id”:22,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:27.977 RC > {“id”:23,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:28.686 RC > {“id”:24,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:29.538 RC > {“id”:25,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:30.446 RC > {“id”:26,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:30.565 RC > {“id”:27,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:31.278 Maximus’ debug info: 6941 1038 7979 8861 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:32.117 Maximus’ debug info: 8861 1038 9899 6941 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:33.199 RC > {“id”:28,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:33.555 RC > {“id”:29,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.look”,“params”:{“charId”:“c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:36.994 FINAL STATE:
Object { step: {…}, stack: [], ctx: (1) […], params: {…}, state: {…}, error: null }
11:52:36.995 RC > {“id”:30,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.ooc”,“params”:{“msg”:“Test.”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:52:44.956 Maximus’ debug info: 9899 0 9899 8861 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.659 Maximus’ debug info: 9871 28 9899 9899 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.679 Maximus’ debug info: 9870 29 9899 9871 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.706 Maximus’ debug info: 9727 172 9899 9870 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.719 Maximus’ debug info: 9723 176 9899 9727 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.741 Maximus’ debug info: 9716 183 9899 9723 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.765 Maximus’ debug info: 9517 382 9899 9716 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.776 Maximus’ debug info: 9514 385 9899 9517 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.797 Maximus’ debug info: 9511 388 9899 9514 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.813 Maximus’ debug info: 9449 450 9899 9511 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.844 Maximus’ debug info: 9354 545 9899 9449 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.860 Maximus’ debug info: 9348 551 9899 9354 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.875 Maximus’ debug info: 9347 552 9899 9348 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.910 Maximus’ debug info: 9297 602 9899 9347 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.928 Maximus’ debug info: 9296 603 9899 9297 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:51.940 Maximus’ debug info: 9291 608 9899 9296 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.133 Maximus’ debug info: 9292 607 9899 9291 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.168 Maximus’ debug info: 9303 596 9899 9292 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.199 Maximus’ debug info: 9338 561 9899 9303 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.224 Maximus’ debug info: 9340 559 9899 9338 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.255 Maximus’ debug info: 9451 443 9899 9340 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.276 Maximus’ debug info: 9456 441 9899 9451 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.279 Maximus’ debug info: 9458 441 9899 9456 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.312 Maximus’ debug info: 9545 351 9899 9458 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.328 Maximus’ debug info: 9548 350 9899 9545 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.335 Maximus’ debug info: 9549 350 9899 9548 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.363 Maximus’ debug info: 9612 287 9899 9549 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.391 Maximus’ debug info: 9614 285 9899 9612 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.430 Maximus’ debug info: 9665 233 9899 9614 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.450 Maximus’ debug info: 9666 232 9899 9665 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.453 Maximus’ debug info: 9667 232 9899 9666 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.475 Maximus’ debug info: 9687 212 9899 9667 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.509 Maximus’ debug info: 9711 188 9899 9687 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.544 Maximus’ debug info: 9712 187 9899 9711 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:52:54.567 Maximus’ debug info: 9723 176 9899 9712 true SimpleBar.js:97:10
11:53:19.425 RC < {“event”:“core.lookedat.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”:true}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.523 RC < {“event”:“core.lookedat.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”:{“action”:“delete”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.524 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:22} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.524 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:null}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.525 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:23} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.525 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:24} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.525 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0.details”:{“avatar”:“c11k62ot874ae6uhm9vg”,“desc”:“Ayawni stands at a modest height, looking to be mature enough really. Her musculature rather smooth and toned, she shows it off quite completely from the tip of her ears to the pads of her feet. A flow of spots and rosettes traveling from her strong jaw to the back of her calves, they vary in size slightly, broadening over the dip of her lower back and shrinking down along the seam of her creamy white belly where it overwrites the gold of her pelt.\nVery little for personal marking other than a simple gold stud giving itself away in the fur along the rim of her ear, she’s quite the common find in appearance; breasts pert, tail loopy and swishing about as ever one has, the leopard simply a leopard with large plantigrade paws and a creamy white underbelly with such the soft appearance, especially warm looking with the subtle hints of her dark flesh slipped free from her creamy white fur, simply asking to be toyed with should one be able to get past the leopard’s claws.\nGazing over the leopard’s form, one distinct detail catches your eye. It seems she’s had a deep violet band dyed into her fur. It looks quite permanent and wraps around the middle of her right upper arm, accompanied by many smaller, colorful charm-like markings one after another in succession following along beneath the band (most recently a pale-blue seven-pointed star) marking her annual return to her home’s festivals.\n\nLovey Leopard - Often leans on strangers.\n🛡”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c11k630t874ae6uhma00”},“name”:“Ayawni”,“species”:“Amur Leopard”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“Stronglove”,“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c11k630t874ae6uhma00”:{“filename”:“c11k630t874ae6uhma00.png”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/png”,“size”:1900030},“core.lookat.char.c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0.details”},“charId”:"c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.526 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:null}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:25} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:26} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:27} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:28} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”:{“avatar”:“c19f6got874d7outfcpg”,“desc”:“She’s a youthful thing, so it’s hard to tell if she’s late teens or early 20’s. Her state of dress doesn’t do much to deter one from presuming she’s a young one. A quick glance from top to bottom reveals her as goth, emo, punk, use whichever descriptor you like. The first unusual thing about this mephit is that she doesn’t appear to have any white markings at all - she’s solid black from tips to toes!\n\n Let’s start with those tips, and work our way down, hm? Jet black headfur tapers out into a little color towards the tips; hints of navy blue and violet blending into one another. Her bangs hang down in her face, obscuring one eye, but she prefers to keep it long in the back, a loose ponytail draped over one shoulder, and ending in that same color scheme. Her eyes, when you can see them, are quite blue, and irises end in a small white ring; thus giving her her namesake. She’s dotted with a few silver piercings as well. A ring and a stud that looks like a kitty in one ear, two rings and a crescent moon in the other. An eyebrow ring that looks like a lightning bolt above one eye, while two small hoops adorn the other. When she talks, the soft glint of a small, stainless steel tongue stud can be seen. She’s also sporting a leather, studded collar.\n\n She has two shirts on; her undershirt is only visible because of the black and bubblegum pink horizontal-striped sleeves coming from underneath the shirt on top. The overshirt is black, with flowy cursive white script that reads\n’Gonna Break Your Little Heart’ with an airbrushed pink ‘broken’ heart for accent. Below the waist, she’s in capri-cut leggings that end just below her knees; they’re full of slashes and rips to show black legfur underneath. Stretchy and comfortable, black with a pink ‘paint splotch’ pattern. Her feet are bare, showing off the silver charm bracelet she wears around her ankle.\n\n She catches your eyes, wiggling her fingers in a little wave and flashing a little smile - apparently she’s not as dour or gloomy as her attire would suggest!”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c19f610t874d7outfco0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”},“name”:“Eclypse”,“species”:“Goth Skunk”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:"–",“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg”:{“filename”:“c1aoq9ot874bfk1evovg.png”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/png”,“size”:1952198},“core.lookat.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c19f610t874d7outfco0.details”},“charId”:"c19f610t874d7outfco0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.527 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:29} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.528 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.change”,“data”:{“values”:{“lookingAt”:{“rid”:“core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”}},“models”:{“core.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.details”:{“avatar”:“c1b06i0t874bfk1f01m0”,“desc”:“Deep glimmers of sapphire hues and azure coalesce together, creating a creature coated in the deep blue of an hour after sunset. Talon stands taller than most, easily breaking nine feet in height when considering slender, acutely perked ears and the palest of grey horns. A thick ruff of long feathers substitutes hair, the soft gleam of silver spilling down in feather bangs caressed in subtle shades of blue. Baby blue eyes sit amidst that greyish sea of feather fluff, the few points of light hues upon her body. Blues and greys continue lower, the crest of feathery hair moves down around strong yet feminine shoulders; much of the dragon’s neck is covered in that fine, downy fluff, as well as a good portion of her upper chest. The creature’s downy crest coats her shoulders and across the main framing of a set of wings; like a great, endless midnight when opened, with just a hint of greenish blue around the underside. A loose band of silk cloth is nestled around the neck, with a similar one just beneath the creature’s full, firm bosom. Stripes of finely woven silk criss-cross across the cobalt-hued bosom, exposing yet covering the expanse of flesh as best it can.\n\nThe waist dips inward just a little, the navel and belly bare which shows off her smooth hide, softer than on would expect. The body becomes darker the further from the front one goes, cobalt becoming almost indistinguishably black down the back. A single stripe of feathery scruff runs from crest to tailtip, slowly losing it’s colour and becoming paler as it traverses across the thick, spade-tipped tail. Around each forearm lies thick ruffs of feathery down, ending partway down the wrists. A similar garment to the top lies snug around that trim waist; stripes of woven-together silk acting like a skirt dangle a quarter of the way down long, digitigrade legs ending in clawed feet.”,“gender”:“Female”,“id”:“c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0”,“idle”:1,“image”:{“rid”:“core.char.img.c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og”},“name”:“Talonstrike”,“species”:“Dragon”,“state”:“awake”,“surname”:“Broadwing”,“type”:“player”},“core.char.img.c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og”:{“filename”:“c1b09kgt874bfk1f01og.jpg”,“href”:“",“mime”:“image/jpeg”,“size”:511801},“core.lookat.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g”:{“char”:{“rid”:“core.char.c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0.details”},“charId”:"c1b04ngt874bfk1f01k0”}}}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.528 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:30} ResClient.js:779:10
11:53:19.528 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.out”,“data”:{“id”:“c1b48t0t8748mom5p2a0”,“type”:“ooc”,“time”:1616266356946,“char”:{“id”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”,“name”:“Algier”,“surname”:“Mousehold”},“msg”:“Test.”}} ResClient.js:779:10
Uncaught Error: Resource core.lookat.char.c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0.inroom.bv4b0ogt8749qsg77l9g not found in cache
resourceOff ResClient.js:401
off ResModel.js:82
value CharPanelChar.js:88
value CharPanelChar.js:102
value EventBus.js:246
resourceOff ResClient.js:401
off ResModel.js:82
value CharPanelChar.js:88
value CharPanelChar.js:102
value self-hosted:1177
value EventBus.js:246
11:53:36.257 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.out”,“data”:{“id”:“c1b49c0t8748mom5p2ag”,“type”:“ooc”,“time”:1616266416184,“char”:{“id”:“c11k3f0t874ae6uhm9u0”,“name”:“Ayawni”,“surname”:“Stronglove”},“msg”:“nibbles tailtip.”,“pose”:true}} ResClient.js:779:10
11:54:43.239 FINAL STATE:

ctx: Array [ undefined ]

error: null

params: Object { cmd: value(e, n)
, msg: “Alright. So my client has frozen again. I can’t see any messages in the window but I can see them in the logs.” }

stack: Array []

state: Object { msg: true }

step: Object { id: “msg”, name: “msg”, token: “text”, … }

: Object { … }
11:54:43.240 RC > {“id”:31,“method”:“call.core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.ooc”,“params”:{“msg”:“Alright. So my client has frozen again. I can’t see any messages in the window but I can see them in the logs.”}} ResClient.js:449:11
11:54:43.260 RC < {“result”:{“payload”:null},“id”:31} ResClient.js:779:10
11:54:43.261 RC < {“event”:“core.char.c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0.ctrl.out”,“data”:{“id”:“c1b49sot8748mom5p2b0”,“type”:“ooc”,“time”:1616266483191,“char”:{“id”:“c13f1kot874ae6uhopj0”,“name”:“Algier”,“surname”:“Mousehold”},“msg”:“Alright. So my client has frozen again. I can’t see any messages in the window but I can see them in the logs.”}}

UI froze again. More symptoms:

  1. Socket is still live, anything I send is still received by others.
  2. Unread indicator in character pane is increasing.
  3. Scrolling works correctly.
  4. Issuing a ‘help’ command outputs to the main window, just nothing else.

Peculiar symptoms. Specially that Help works.
Thanks, @maximus! With those symptoms, I should be able to narrow it down quite a bit.


Thanks @Mousehold!
If it is possible to extract the bug from the logs, these will surely hold the answer.
I will start analyzing them.


@Mousehold, I have just updated to v1.3.2 . In this update, I’ve tried to solve what I think was the major cause of these freezes.

Actually I’ve done two things that both might resolve it; 1) fixed a bug that caused race-like conditions in the client, and 2) improved the way the client handles the unexpected state that the previous bug caused.

Try it out, and report (preferably still with logs :slight_smile: ) if you still have issues.


The client OS of Wolfery=WOS for speaking purposes.

This, This right here, this is what I’m seeing too! the interface hangs, still lets me type, and the help function still reads back all the helpful stuff, but there’s nothing else. Other people may see what I am saying, but I see nothing on my-WOS end of the spectrum.

It doesn’t seem to be browser specific, its system wide as I have tried with all viable Mac OS internet browsers. Tested with:
Safari, Chrome, Tor, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera, and MSEdge
I’m not too sure how much of a difference Mac OS is from its iOS counterparts these days, but the result is the same. On iOS (iPhone) and iPad OS respectively, with both the default Safari, and Chrome

On iOS (iPad Pro, and an older iPad mini (with older iOS) I have /some/ better luck, but only as I can page refresh with a quicker motion. WOS seems to be a little more responsive, enabling me to travel the various rooms on the map, but still allowing one ‘say’ or ‘pose’ event to be seen by myself before all further commentary goes into the ether.

Next thing I tried is to see if somehow it was an odd service provider thing, and that doesn’t seem to be it either. Same OS’s and 3 ISP’s with the same result. Verizion, Comcast, and Ziply fiber’s portals all perform with the exact same result as before.

I have tried all my in-system fixes I could think of that might but nope nada, nothing. I didn’t see if @Mousehold was using a Mac or PC, but I will try to scrounge up a Chromebook or Droid tablet, to see If its some sort of Mac specific glitch that simply renders Mac OS (and its spin-offs) as incompatible with WOS.

I’d love to play here, its a beautiful world from what I have seen, I’ve tried everything that I can think of on this OS. I’ve worked out compatibility fixes before, but only on the client side; Try this, try that, the rest (sigh) is up to the gods of programing. Please keep us posted!

Puddle of Sky

Hi again @PuddleofSky!

Okay. Then it must be a client side error that is causing it.
A bug in the client must make it stop working. A bug that I need to fix :sweat_smile:.

Check my reply to your last post, and I can use that to fix the issue!


Thanks to @PuddleOfSky, I now detected a major flaw in the client that cause rather minor bugs (such as the one causing Puddle’s issue) to cause the entire client to freeze.

From now on, I think we will see far less of these kind of freezes. :cold_face:
