Help making bots

Just a little update here to note that I’ve updated the repository with the most up-to-date version of my code, including several substantial improvements (in particular ones that should make writing bots easier for general users), such as:

-A dramatically streamlined framework for building bots that should make it easier for most people to use (all the low-levels are wrapped, you write one function that accesses class members and methods, and all the API stuff runs in parallel threads, put your login info in a config file and it computes the hash, etc…)

-A readme that actually walks you through adding and using bot modules

-A bot template that is a baseline on which you can add code without dealing with any of the API management stuff at all

-A bunch of utility functions that do NLP stuff, navigate the game world, and implement basic fun stuff like rolling dice, spin the bottle, and talking in weird characters (┗▛▄).

-All the source code for the pizzaria bots: blackjack, bartender, pizza ordering and roulette

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made my own python version: