[Feature] Duplicate first names

Yes, I agree. The solution of matching name detection is overly complicated. Let’s scrap that one.

A toggle could work. (Would it be retroactive - as in switching the naming of ALL events in the chat log? Or should it just affect the events when they arrive?)

Another thought that I had was if this can be solved with the Nickname / Alias feature?
Instead of the system trying to render unique names, maybe you should pick them yourself?

nickname Lotus Alpha = Lotus A.

And you have defined a nickname for a character, we show that one instead?

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The nickname idea isn’t a bad one Accipiter! Why not both? It would have to be retroactive since, the whole point is to gain clarity when the user is confused, I would assume.

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Personally, I prefer the checkbox option. Having to input a nickname for everyone that has duplicates that I plan to interact with sounds like it’s going to become tedious very quickly… However that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t take advantage of having an alias for other users, just that I don’t think it would be a good ‘duplicate name’ solution for me.

On a side note, I do hope that the alias/nickname command tab-complete searches the awake list, there are some gnarly names folks have been using that somehow look like completely different fonts.

Another alias side note is tab-complete when typing. Does commands search through your aliases now as well? If so does it translate that to the actual name when it’s being sent in the body of pose/say/message/whisper/etc? I can just see me having an alias for someone and tab-complete hits on that without me realizing and suddenly I’m sending a pose containing the alias instead of the character’s actual name…