[Feature] Area-Ban?

Mute exists and is not harmful to the population.

Mute would only solve the issue for one person, this idea was to prevent a player from disturbing anyone else in an area at all.

Just a tiny input from me regarding Area ban feature (not about ownership and responsibilities).

Actual Area ban (or rather area restriction) will be something we will eventually have.
I see it used for not just banning misbehaving characters, or characters not fit for the area. But I want it for exclusive areas as well - like guilds or VIP rooms or such things.

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I think a ‘white-listing’ setting would be a good idea for private areas. Codes for rooms can always be guessed if they are ‘bad’ or possibly leaked by someone out of spite.

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A tiny offtopic note - “whitelist” maybe a potentially harmful term, allowlist or access list can work as less offensive and more intuitive alternatives.

What also comes to my mind as a concern with this is… If the possibility to control the access is only with the area/room owner, given the track record of owners for large public sections of the world getting busy or going AWOL, it may be quite impossible to get that done in a timely manner (either to ban, unban or allow someone). A further UX issue is that currently rooms (and areas) are owned by a single character and not the player… So you’d always have to log in and bring that one character to the scene to adjust access.

I think that effective use of this feature would require (or greatly benefit) from two additional changes:

  • The concept of co-owners. The owners of a room or area should be able to set co-owners who have all the permissions as an owner, except to adjust ownership or deleting. They can also act as the defacto inheritors if a public build gets abandoned by the owner.
  • Making roim and area permissions propagate to the player from the character. I know this is technically annoying to implement, but the UX would be much better if a player who has (co-)ownership of a room or area could manage it on any character under their account.

This has a potentially significant privacy concern too, by the way… If getting a character banned prevents the player from being summoned on any character, it becomes a trivial exercise in patience to deanonymize all alts of that player by consistently spamming summons in that area to everyone.

Yes. So I will not allow any area restriction or script feature to allow access to player ID or similar info. It will only be possible to restrict characters. However, this may not be the case for admin owned scripts.

FYI: Moderators have peer reviewed insight into player alts. Meaning, other moderators will be notified of player alt checks to avoid it being abused for non-moderation purposes. Admins have full alt insight.

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Fortunately, everyone has a mute command of their own.

On Tapestries they use the term “character assassination” for this, and it’s a strictly bannable offense: If you publicly call out that one character is an alt of another, even if it’s really obvious, you’re out of there.