Extra emotes commands!

I made a new extension that adds a whole bunch of text emotes. The current list includes the following commands:

applaud, blush, bounce, bow, burp, cackle, chuckle, clap, cough, cry, curtsey, dance, daydream, fart, frown, gasp, giggle, glare, grin, groan, grovel, growl, hmm, peer, point, ponder, puke, purr, scream, shake, shiver, shrug, sigh, smirk, smile, snap, snarl, sneeze, snicker, snore, spit, stare, sulk, tackle, twiddle, wave, whine, whistle, wag, wiggle, wink.

All of those commands use neutral pronouns (they/their). If you want to use a specific pronoun, add them to your character about section like this:

`pronouns: she/her`

On chrome, you can install these with violent monkey. On an iPhone, userscripts works, too.

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I am probably being exceptionally dense, but what do these actually do?

they are just shortcuts for posing. Like; you can type tackle but what it will actually do is pose starts running around in a desperate attempt to tackle the air. They are just like emoji, I suppose. A few generic actions with some extra context.